The Root Cause of COVID-19 Disparities in Washtenaw County

The Root Cause of COVID-19 Disparities in Washtenaw County

In the fight to make Black lives matter, it is critical that we examine how racism contributes to health inequities right here in our backyard. Black residents of Washtenaw County, like elsewhere in Michigan, have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19.

Despite being only 12% of the county population, Black residents currently account for 30% of deaths and 41% of county hospitalizations.

This data mirrors health data prior to the pandemic that showed that Black county residents had a life expectancy ten years lower than white residents with Black newborns in the county being twice as likely to be born at a low birth weight compared to white newborns.

When Washtenaw County ranks as one of the top five healthiest counties in Michigan, what accounts for these stark inequities? Read more here.

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