Millions of older adults and people with disabilities could not maintain their independence without the help of unpaid caregivers. This care would cost nearly $470 billion a year if purchased.
That’s one of the reasons that caregiving is an essential public health service and should be prioritized as an emerging public health issue. Caregiving responsibilities can increase and change as the recipient’s needs increase, which may result in additional strain on the caregiver.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, caregivers often pay a high toll for their labor of love:
35% of caregivers have difficulty finding time for themselves
29% experience emotional and physical stress from their rol
54% said their health has gotten worse due to caregiving
29% have difficulty balancing family and work responsibilities
Do any of these statistics describe you? If so, it’s time to take charge of your own health and well-being.
Click on the button below for caregiving tips that can help make your job easier and allow more time for taking care of you.